We are the premier amateur drama group in Hinckley and have been in existence for almost 50 years. Previously known as The New Theatre Players we are affiliated to the Concordia Theatre, Hinckley, Leicestershire. We perform a mixture of dramatic and comedic plays on the main stage and also in the Studio, a smaller and more intimate venue. Go to Previous Productions to see details of some of our performances to date.
ntpdrama: the Premier Amateur Drama Group in Hinckley.
We are the premier amateur drama group in Hinckley and have been in existence for almost 50 years. Previously known as The New Theatre Players we are affiliated to the Concordia Theatre, Hinckley, Leicestershire. We perform a mixture of dramatic and comedic plays on the main stage and also in the Studio, a smaller and more intimate venue. Go to Previous Productions to see details of some of our performances to date.
We are managed by a committee democratically elected by the membership.
Chairman: Joanne Holt
Email: Jo@ntpdrama.com
I’ve been a member of NTPD for 41 years and over 25 years of that as part of the committee. My love for drama came when I realised that I really wasn’t a great singer! I’m passionate about the productions that go on our stage and love to bring new and often edgy drama to our audiences. I also care deeply about NTPD’S role in the theatre, and how we contribute to its success. I’ve been privileged to play some of the best female roles on our stage and work with some very talented NTPD actors. For the last 15 years I’ve been directing plays in the main theatre and our studio theatre. I’ve been lucky that the committee have allowed me to present some new, and more unknown plays, and have loved the challenge of directing plays like “The King’s speech”, “The Shawshank Redemption”, and “The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time”. The joy for me as a Director is watching the cast develop over the rehearsal period, and coaching them to find depths they didn’t know they had.
Secretary: Richard Cooper
Email: richard@ntpdrama.com
I have been Secretary for the society since 1980. I am responsible for administration within the society and also priority bookings for productions. I have seen many changes and improvements over the years to the excellent facilities we share with other societies. It never ceases to amaze me of the commitment and dedication of volunteers who promote and foster physical and mental recreation in the world of drama and the arts- long may it continue.
Treasurer: Chris Chorlton
Email: chris@ntpdrama.com
I joined NTPD in 1998 when I took a small part in Neil Simon’s female version of the Odd Couple. Over the following 10 years I took part in a number of productions both on the main stage and in the studio. I joined the committee in 2009 and decided that I would prefer to spend my time helping to keep the wheels oiled behind the scenes rather than appearing on stage. I took on the role of treasurer of the society around this time and it seems that it’s not a popular role as no-one has volunteered to take over from me since then – just as well I’m happy to keep going! In addition I assemble and manage Props backstage for many of our productions and I’m responsivble for keeping our website up to date.
Iain Hamilton
Email: iain@ntpdrama.com
I joined NTPD 22 years ago and have performed in both the Main House and Studio on many occasions. I have dabbled with directing but mostly have been lucky enough to be on stage and have worked with many talented actors. I have been on the committee for 17 years and have seen many changes in that time. The theatre has been modernised and NTPD has moved into the digital age. It’s great to be part of the group at this exciting time.
Sue Williams-Lee
Email: sue@ntpdrama.com
I joined NTPD in 2005 when I auditioned for a role in the stage play version of the classic British film, Brassed Off. Since then, I have been fortunate to play many varied roles including the spoof wartime spy Marta Heartburn in Dick Barton-Special Agent, the hilarious Alice Tinker in the Vicar of Dibley, Mrs Johnston in the hard hitting, emotional yet funny play Blood Brothers and evil Nurse Ratched in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. It was also fantastic to play Joy Gresham in Shadowlands and Mary Bailey in Its a Wonderful Life. I have loved them all! I have also been part of the Take Five group performing my favourite Victoria Wood sketches and a classic Alan Bennett monologue in the Studio Theatre. I joined the hard working and dedicated executive committee to further my involvement with the group. I am currently the designated Safeguarding Officer for NTPD. This is a brilliant theatre group and I would encourage everyone to get involved with acting, directing or as part of the stage crew
Sue Lovelace
Email: suel@ntpdrama.com
I joined NTPD in 2023, when I volunteered to work backstage on Shawshank Redemption, but my love of acting started at school in productions of Gilbert and Sullivan, Fiddler on the Roof, The Boyfriend and Cabaret. On moving to London I joined a theatre company in Wimbledon, where I played Cleopatra and the doomed Lady Macduff (although not at the same time!), as well as performing in a number of one-act plays. Since joining NTPD. I have played the neurotic and obsessive Julie in Sheila’s Island (some would say typecasting!), followed in the footsteps of the great Dame Maggie Smith in Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads, and played the mother of the autistic Christopher in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. I’m a firm believer that belonging to a theatre company isn’t just about being on stage, though – there would be no production without the backstage crew. I designed and made many of the costumes for the Scottish play and for a production of The Importance of Being Earnest, as well as assisting the Props Manager on Shawshank Redemption. I’m so excited to be a part of the NTP committee, as it allows me to give something back to a vibrant and very active theatre company and its supporters.
Lyndon Vaughan Prosser
Email: LVP@ntpdrama.com
I joined NTPD not long after moving to Hinckley some 33 years ago now, and have been active in over 80 productions both on stage and off. Having joined the committee as the relative ‘new comer’ some 8 years ago, it has given me the opportunity to help develop my passion for the Studio theatre as well as helping to push the boundaries of the plays we have to offer. I have been very fortunate to be involved in some superb plays, that many would not have had the opportunity to play on the professional stage – One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, The Kings Speech, Hobsons Choice, Journey’s End, Blood Brothers, History Boys and Shawshank Redemption… and some of my personal favourites – The Moon is Halfway to Heaven, Double Double and Love Letters… to name but a few! I hope to continue performing for as long as I can remember lines – and convince as a character!!
Curtis Knight
Email: curtis@ntpdrama.com

We are always on the lookout for talent to join our existing pool of actors but in order to put on a production there are large a number of important roles behind the scenes, such as:
- Set design and build
- Lighting
- Sound
- Costumes
- Props
- Scene Shifting
- Directing
So, if you would like know more about how to get involved in putting on stage productions, whether you have previous experience or not, whether it is in the spotlight or behind the scenes, please contact us using the form below.
If you are interested in joining, please
complete and return it with the £5 joining fee to:
Richard Cooper, Concordia Theatre,
Stockwell Head, Hinckley,
Leicestershire, LE10 1RE
It is the policy of ntpdrama that the welfare and safety of all children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount, regardless of age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity and anyone involved with ntp has aright to protection from all forms of abuse and neglect.
ntpdrama complies fully with the Concordia Theatre’s Policy on Child Protection and Safeguarding
On Tuesday 7th June NTPD celebrated 50 years of drama at the Concordia Theatre with our celebration AGM. Many of the people there hadn’t met up for over 2 years and so we took photographs of the night which we hope will be a nice memory, and enjoyable for those who were unable to attend. Please enjoy them and feel free to download any you wish to keep. Do have a look through our Past Productions when you have time, and email us through the website if you think you can fill any of the “gaps” with photos or write ups.
50 years is pretty special, and we all have our own precious memories of the times we’ve spent as a part of this society; the shows we’ve seen, or been a part of, and the many friends we’ve made along the years, some sadly no longer with us. But our Past Productions archive of beautiful photos are a reminder of those moments in time and I hope you’ll enjoy re-visiting those many times.
Sincerest thanks go to each and every one of our performers, directors, stage crew, members and our audiences who have been a part of this incredible journey.
I feel honoured and privileged to be a part of a society that has presented drama in our theatre for 50 years, and long may that continue.

Here are a selection of the photos taken on the night. For access to all the photos taken and the opportunity to download the originals please click on the following link: https://link.shutterfly.com/nDYcZh4XGqb